"Staff engagement can often be bolstered through challenges and activities such as those offered by In Motion Asia (IMA), a boutique company with a focus on team building outdoor adventure....Team building is the process of getting people together and developing the ability to work together efficiently says Cam McLean, IMA's founder and managing director".
In Motion Asia featuring in the November 2015, Vol. 45, Issue 11 of the Taiwan Business TOPICS, an American Chamber of Commerce in Taipei publication.
Many thanks to Timothy Ferry, AmCham Associate Editor of Taiwan Business TOPICS.
The idea of lounging on a beach chair with a cocktail in hand just doesn’t cut it for some holiday makers. What they seek is not just a vacation, but an adventure. Go takes the plunge to bring you a list of travel spots famous for their out-of-the-ordinary activities.
Cam McLean, owner of In Motion Asia, explains that Taiwan as a whole is recognized as having the best canyoning routes in Asia because of its topography. Its mountainous terrain means that there is a vast number of mountain streams cascading rapidly down steep valleys due to tropical rains occurring high up in the island’s central mountain range.
In Motion Asia featuring in the September issue of the quarterly Malaysian published magazine Go & a segment on river tracing around Taipei.
Many thanks to Ang Hui Hsien, writer for the HCK Media group.
One -Day bike tours in Asia catching on with holiday crowd - All over the region, bicycles are replacing tour buses as the best way to sample a country's culture while on holiday. But if a week in the saddle sounds like too much for your tush, these one-day dashes could be right up your street
"We offer day tours of 30 kilometers for a beginner up to 200 kilometers through the biggest mountains in Northern Taiwan with 3,000 meters of altitude gain for advanced riders," says IMA director Cam McLean. "The mountains and countryside around Taipei offer superb riding and scenery on a par with the best on offer in Taiwan."
In Motion Asia appearing in the travel section of the South China Morning Post's 48hours magazine in an article exploring the increase of cycling holidays around Asia.
Many thanks to Rachel Jacqueline (racheljacqueline.com) for the excellent article. You can also read the online version HERE