In Motion Asia featuring in the China Times Weekly, Taiwan's most popular Chinese language lifestyle magazine, in November 2007.
This article 1 of 4 to feature In Motion Asia in the China Times Weekly covered the area of Fuxing in Taoyuan County and the location for a number of our customized outdoor corporate & adventure programs. On this particular occasion we were running a youth program for the Hong Kong International School with 48 students + 12 adults over 5 days or outdoor learning. Fuxing is an awesome area blessed with outdoor resources at the foot of the Northern Cross Island & former summer retreat for Chiang Kai-Shek.
Many thanks to Lesley Lin (Reporter China Times Media Group)
In Motion Asia featuring in the China Times Weekly's Bravo supplement, Taiwan's most popular Chinese language lifestyle magazine, in September 2007.
In 2007 In Motion Asia spent a few days in Kenting doing a photo shoot for this 17-page supplement highlighting the outdoor adventure of Kenting. Kenting located on the southern tip of Taiwan approximately 90min from Kaohsiung offers lush rolling meadows, scenic coast and excellent beaches. Kenting also offers a wide-range of adventure activities including excellent road cycling as is one of our top customized road cycling destinations and fantastic corporate team building venue.
Many thanks to Lesley Lin (Reporter China Times Media Group)
In Motion Asia featuring in the China Times Weekly, Taiwan's most popular Chinese language lifestyle magazine, in August 2007.
The article was part of a feature on In Motion Asia's then partnership with the Pinglin based Cloud 9 Adventure Camp which use to be run by 2 South African gents. They have since moved on the the base is now a river kayaking center for mainly local Taiwanese run by King Kong
Pinglin is a wonderful & lush mountainous region famous for it's tea offering nice leisurely mountain biking and excellent road cycling & is used on our customized road cycling tours.
Many thanks to Lesley Lin (Reporter China Times Media Group)
Taiwan - A world class Corporate Training Ground!....With a strong focus on experiential hands on learning, participants are challenged to improve all facets of teambuilding in a setting that provides real lasting results.
In Motion Asia speaking at a luncheon function for the British Commerce Chamber of Tawian in 2007 highlighting Taiwan's accessible & beautiful outdoor environment as the idea venue for a fun & stimulating corporate training activity.
A summary of the presentation was printed in the BCCT's bi-monthly Britannia magazine.
Many thanks to the British Commerce Chamber of Taiwan.